One of the most important things you can do for your husky is to choose the correct name. A name is much more than a way of referring to your dog; It may be the difference between having a trained obedient Eskimo dog and one who ignores your orders. This guide would explain everything from how to choose a suitable name for your husky to the big difference that the name would make in the behavior of your husky.
First, I’ll start by covering the basics of how to name your dog: When choosing a name for your husky, choose one that is easy to pronounce in the native language of your family. For example, if you speak English at home, choose a name that is easy to pronounce for English speakers (NOTE: It does not necessarily have to be an English name, only one that is easy to pronounce in English).
Do not choose a name that rhymes with high frequency words such as the names of other family members or the words used in the training commands, especially if you use those words negatively. For example, a husky dog sled runner would not give his husky a name as “lush” because he rhymes with the “Mush” command. Another example is a name like “Cop”, it is a common word and rhymes with the “Stop” command.
Use a name that is easily recognizable to your husky, like words with two syllables. Do not risk confusing your Eskimo dog with a name like “Chastity”. Instead, consider abbreviating the name for something like “Chaste.”
Give your husky a name that you want to keep all the time. If you are giving a name based on a characteristic, make sure that it is a permanent attribute or that you do not mind calling it in the absence of that attribute. For example, your husky would explode twice a year, so a name like “Furry” or “Fluffy” may seem inappropriate at the time.
Consider the origin of your husky: this is a pure cosmetic preference and has no significant logical impact. Huskies come from cold climates (like Alaska or Siberia) and some owners like to give them a name like “Snow Flake” or even an Alaskan / Inuit name like “Miki”. For most people, honoring the inheritance of their husky is important, but be sure to remember the guidelines of hoarse designation even if you want to congratulate the original husky breeders. You can visit 123Tinki for much more original names.
Never say your husky’s name in a negative or irritated tone; All dog breeds can recognize a person’s emotion by their tone of voice. Your husky should always be happy and happy to hear your name, so associate your name with goodies and positive words like “Good boy” in a tone of praise.
You definitely would like your husky to feel motivated to come when you call her, instead of being motivated to get away faster; Proper recovery training (the “come” command) can be the difference between a lost husky or one that is safe at home. I always associate recall with a good experience like praise (“Good girl!”).